JPLSG 急性骨髄性白血病(AML)委員会は初発AML(de novo AML), 急性前骨髄性白血病(APL)ダウン症候群に合併したAML(AML-DS),
再発AMLに対する臨床試験を計画実行しています。治療研究の精度を上げるため、形態中央診断を東海大学医学部基盤診療学系臨床検査医学(de novo
AML, APL)、名古屋大学小児科(AML-DS)において、キメラ遺伝子スクリーニングを独立行政法人国立病院機構名古屋医療センター 臨床研究センター
血液・腫瘍研究部 遺伝子診断研究室において行い、表面マーカー中央検査は三重大学小児科、大阪大学医学部小児科、国立成育医療センター研究所、京都大学小児科のいずれかにおいて施行しています。またデータ管理をJPLSGデータセンターで行うことでより質の高い臨床研究が行えています。De
novo AMLは5年全生存率 75%、5年無病生存率61%と諸外国と比較しても最も良い成績が得られた「AML99研究」の基本骨格を踏襲したAML05研究を遂行しました。現在寛解導入療法にAraC大量療法を組み入れることによる治療成績の向上がみられるかを検証する新たな臨床試験AML11研究を計画中です。APLは、発症時にビタミンA誘導体であるATRAを使用することにより世界的にも治療成績が良好となっていますが、7年全生存率93%、7年無病生存率91.4%を達成したAML99-M3研究に改良を加えたAML-P05研究を終了しました。現在、海外で治療成績の向上が見られる三酸化ヒ素(ATO)を導入することにより、心毒性のあるアントラサイクリン系抗癌剤の減量を行う次期AML-P11研究を計画中です。ダウン症候群の患者さんはAMLのkey
文責;AML委員長 足立 壮一(京都大学人間健康科学)
1. Tsukimoto I, Tawa A, Horibe K, Tabuchi K, Kigasawa H, Tsuchida M, Yabe
H, Nakayama H, Kudo K, Kobayashi R, Hamamoto K, Imaizumi M, Morimoto A,
Tsuchiya S, and Hanada R. Risk-stratified therapy and the intensive use
of cytarabine improves the outcome in childhood acute myeloid leukemia:
The AML trial from the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group.
J Clin Oncol 2009, 27: 4007-4013
2. Imaizumi M, Tawa A, Hanada R, Tsuchida M, Tabuchi K, Kigasawa H, Kobayashi
R, Morimoto A, Nakayama H, Hamamoto K, Kudo K, Yabe H, Horibe K, Tsuchiya
S, Tsukimoto I. Prospective study of a therapeutic regimen with all-trans
retinoic acid and anthracyclines in combination of cytarabine in children
with acute promyelocytic leukaemia: the Japanese childhood acute myeloid
leukaemia cooperative study. Br J Haematol. 2011, 152: 89-98
3. Kudo K, Kojima S, Tabuchi K, Yabe H, Tawa A, Imaizumi M, Hanada R, Hamamoto K, Kobayashi R, Morimoto A, Nakayama H, Tsuchida M, Horibe K, Kigasawa H, Tsukimoto I; Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group. Prospective study of a pirarubicin, intermediate-dose cytarabine, and etoposide regimen in children with Down syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia: the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group. J Clin Oncol 2007, 25: 5442-5447
4. Balgobind BV, Raimondi SC, Harbott J, Zimmermann M, Alonzo T, Auvrignon
A, Beverloo BH, Chang M, Creutzig U, Dworzak M, Forestier E, Gibson B,
Hasle H, Harrison CJ, Heerema N, Kaspers G, Lezsl A, Litvinko N, Lo Nigro
L, Morimoto A, Christine P, Pieters R, Reinhardt D, Rubnitz J, Smith FO,
Stary J, Stasevich I, Strehl S, Taga T, Tomizawa D, Webb D, Zemanova Z,
Zwaan CM, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM. Novel prognostic subgroups in childhood
11q23/MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia: results of an international
retrospective study. Blood 114: 2489-96, 2009
5. Coenen EA, Raimondi SC, Harbott J, Zimmermann M, Alonzo TA, Auvrignon A, Beverloo HB, Chang M, Creutzig U, Dworzak MN, Forestier E, Gibson B, Hasle H, Harrison CJ, Heerema NA, Kaspers GJ, Leszl A, Litvinko N, Lo Nigro L, Morimoto A, Perot C, Reinhardt D, Rubnitz JE, Smith FO, Stary J, Stasevich I, Strehl S, Taga T, Tomizawa D, Webb D, Zemanova Z, Pieters R, Zwaan CM, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM Prognostic significance of additional cytogenetic aberrations in 733 de novo pediatric 11q23/MLL-rearranged AML patients: results of an international study. Blood 117: 7102-11, 2011
6 .Kanezaki R, Toki T, Terui K, Xu G, Wang R, Shimada A, Hama A, Kanegane
H, Kawakami K, Endo M, Hasegawa D, Kogawa K, Adachi S, Ikeda Y, Iwamoto
S, Taga T, Kosaka Y, Kojima S, Hayashi Y, Ito E: Down syndrome and GATA1
mutations in transient abnormal myeloproliferative disorder: mutation classes
correlate with progression to myeloid leukemia. Blood 2010 116: 4631-4638
7. Fujino H, Fujita N, Hamamoto K, Oobu S, Kita M, Tanaka A, Matsubara
H, Watanabe K, and Adachi S: Ring/marker chromosome derived from chromosome
7 in childhood acute megakaryoblastic leukemia with monosomy 7. Int J Hematol
2010, 92: 386-390
8. Mizushima Y, Taki T, Shimada A, Yui Y, Hiraumi Y, Matsubara H, Watanabe M, Watanabe K, Kamitsuji Y, Hayashi Y, Tsukimoto I, Kobayashi R, Horibe K, Tawa A, Nakahata T, Adachi S.: Prognostic significance of the BAALC isoform pattern and CEBPA mutations in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotype: a study by the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group Int J Hematol 2010, 91: 831-837
9. Adachi S, Manabe A, Imaizumi M, Taga T, Tawa A, Tsurusawa M, Kikuchi
A, Masunaga A, Tsuchida M, and Nakahata T : Acute myeloid leukemia with
multilineage dysplasia in children Int J Hematol 2007, 86; 358-363
10. Shimada A, Taki T, Tabuchi K, Taketani T, Hanada R, Tawa A, Tsuchida
M, Horibe K, Tsukimoto I, Hayashi Y. Tandem duplications of MLL and FLT3
are correlated with poor prognoses in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia:
a study of the Japanese childhood AML Cooperative Study Group. Pediatr
Blood Cancer 2008, 50: 264-269
11. Shimada A, Ichikawa H, Taki T, Kubota C, Hongo T, Sako M, Morimoto A, Tawa A, Tsukimoto I, Hayashi H. Low frequency of KIT mutations in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13q22): a study of the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative Study Group. Int J Hematol 2007, 86: 289-290
12. Shimada A, Taki T, Kubota C, Itou T, Tawa A, Horibe K, Tsuchida M,
Hanada R, Tsukimoto I, Hayashi Y. N822 mutation of KIT gene was frequent
in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia patients with t(8;21) in Japan: a study
of the Japanese childhood AML cooperative study group.
Leukemia 2007, 21: 2218-2219
13. Shimada A, Taki T, Kubota C, Tawa A, Horibe K, Tsuchida M, Hanada R,
Tsukimoto I, Hayashi Y. No nucleophosmin mutations in pediatric acute myeloid
leukemia with normal karyotype: a study of the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative
Study Group. Leukemia 2007, 21: 1307
14. Kobayashi R, Tawa A, Hanada R, Horibe K, Tsuchida M, Tsukimoto I. Extramedullary infiltration at diagnosis and prognosis in children with acute myelogenous leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2007, 48: 393-398
15. Ohta H, Iwamoto S, Kiyokawa N, Tsurusawa M, Deguchi T, Takase K, Fujimoto
J, Horibe K, Komada Y. Flow cytometric analysis of de novo acute myeloid
leukemia in childhood: report from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma
Study Group. Int J Hematol. 2011, 93:135-137
16. Shimada A, Taki T, Tabuchi K, Tawa A, Horibe K, Tsuchida M, Hanada
R, Tsukimoto I, Hayashi Y. KIT mutations, and not FLT3 internal tandem
duplication, are strongly associated with a poor prognosis in pediatric
acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21): a study of the Japanese Childhood
AML Cooperative Study Group. Blood 2006, 107: 1806-1809
17. Shiba N, Taki T, Park M, Shimada A, Sotonobu M, Adachi S, Tawa A, Horibe K, Tsuchida M, Hanada R, Tsukimoto I, Arakawa H, Hayashi Y: DMNT3A mutations are rare in childhood acute myeloid leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. Brit J Haematol 156(3) 413-4, 2012
18. Imamura T, Iwamoto S, Kanai R, Shimada A, Terui K, Osugi Y, Kobayashi
R, Tawa A, Kosaka Y, Kato K, Hori H, Horibe K, Oda M, Adachi S. Outcome
in 146 patients with paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia treated according
to the AML99 protocol in the period 2003–06 from the Japan Association
of Childhood Leukaemia Study. Brit J Haematol 2012 159(2): 204-210
19. Taga T, Moriya-Saito A, Kudo K, Tomizawa D, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita
A, Iwamoto S, Nakayama H, Takahashi H, Tawa A, Shimada A, Taki T, Kigasawa
H, Koh K, Adachi S. Clinical characteristics and outcome of refractory/relapsed
myeloid leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Blood 2012 120(9): 1810-5
20. Shimada A, Taki T, Koga D, Tabuchi K, Tawa A, Hanada R, Tsuchida M,
Horibe K, Tsukimoto I, Adachi S, Kojima S, Hayashi Y. High WT1 mRNA expression
after induction chemotherapy and FLT3-ITD have prognostic impact in pediatric
acute myeloid leukemia: a study of the Japanese Childhood AML Cooperative
Study Group. Int J Haematol in press
21. Creutzig U, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Gibson B, Dworzak MN, Adachi S, de Bont E, Harbott J, Hasle H, Johnston D, Kinoshita A, Lehrnbecher T, Leverger G, Mejstrikova E, Meshinchi S, Pession A, Raimondi SC, Sung L, Stary J, Zwaan CM, Kaspers GJ, Reinhardt D. Diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia in children and adolescents: Recommendations from an international expert panel on behalf of the AML-committee of the international BFM study group. Blood in press
22. Gruber TA, Gedman AL, Zhang J, Koss CS , Marada S, Ta H, Chen SC, Su
X, Ogden SK, Dang J, Gupta V, Andersson A, Pounds S, Shi L, Easton J, Barbato
MI, Mulder HL, Manne J, Wang J, Rusch M, Ranade S, Ganti R, Parker M, Ma
J, Radtke I, Ding L, Cazzaniga G, Biondi A, Kornblau S, Ravandi-Kashani
F, Kantarjian H, Nimer SD, Doehner K, Doehner H, Ley TJ, Ballerini P, Mercher
T, Shurtleff S, Tomizawa D, Adachi S, Hayashi Y, Tawa A, Shih LY, Liang
DC, Rubnitz J, Pui CH, Mardis ER, Wilson RK, Downing JR. An inv(16)(p13.3;q24.3)-encoded
CBFA2T3-GLIS2 fusion protein defines an aggressive subtype of pediatric
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Cancer Cell in press
23. 足立壮一 急性骨髄性白血病 小児がん診療ハンドブック~実地診療に役立つ診断・治療の理念と実践~ 堀部敬三編 医薬ジャーナル社 2011年8月25日初版 340頁—355頁
24. 足立壮一 造血器腫瘍学—基礎と臨床の最新研究動向— VI. 小児造血器腫瘍の臨床 小児白血病の診断と治療 小児白血病の分類と特徴 日本臨床 70巻増刊号2 665-668,
25. 足立壮一 造血器腫瘍学—基礎と臨床の最新研究動向— VI. 小児造血器腫瘍の臨床 小児白血病の診断と治療 急性骨髄性白血病/慢性骨髄性白血病 日本臨床 70巻増刊号2 676-680,
26. St. Jude小児病院での講演資料 2012.